Former UFC Fighter Chris Lytle Starts Anti-Bullying Book Tour in Connecticut

Last Thursday, former UFC fighter Chris Lytle kicked off a book tour in Middletown, Connecticut. He is focused on spreading a message of anti-bullying through his book, "Lights Out on Bullying." 

Lytle signed free copies of the books and made appearances at two different assemblies. He spoke to seventh and eigth graders at Woodrow Wilson Middle School. 

Overall, Lytle brought 500 copies of the book to town to hand out at various events. He also made stop by several local fire departments to speak. 

Lytle was a mixed martial arts pioneer, becoming a professional fighter in 1999. He is best known for his time in the UFC and retired with a record of 31-18-5 in 2011. 

Lytle became a more prominent name in the fight game by making it to the finals of The Ultimate Fighter 4: The Comeback. He won UFC Fight of the Night honors six times. 

Lytle has also been a member of the Indianapolis Fire Department for 15 years and currently serves as a lieutenant. He works as a coach and mentor at his Indianapolis gym, Indy Boxing and Grappling, as well. 

To inquire about Chris Lytle's speaking fee and appearance cost, contact the agents at Athlete Speakers by calling us at 800-916-6008 or by Starting Your Booking Request Now.

Chris Lytle Talks About his Anti-Bullying Initiative:


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